Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This blog's gone apey...

So every once in awhile, you hear a certain random line in a movie or tv show and it's under the radar but strikes you as hilarious, and you think, I'm going to use that from now on. I am. I will be single-handedly responsible for making that phrase the new "You go girl!" Or at least that's what me and my friend Meredith used to do.

Her personal best? From Oh Brother, Where Art Thou, my friend Meredith loved the random line, "This whole town's gone apey." (as in monkey-business crazy). My old favorite was from a SNL skit staring Ray Ramano as a sports announcer, and it was "Sweet sassy molassey!" said like one would say "Boo-yah!" (I'm also a fan of "Yatzee!" said in the same way, from an early episode of Punk'd.) However, after seeing the movie I Love You, Man last weekend, I have to tell you that the phrase I will put on the edge of everyone's is "Totes magotes". As in totally. For agreement. In example: Question: Are you going to be at the free money giveaway this weekend? Answer: Totes magotes I am!

I rest my case.