Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dog Turd with Buttercream Icing

So it was over 80 degrees for the first time in forever today and I suddenly remembered why summer isn't always what you remember it being in the dead of winter. I cannot stand being STICKY. And with the humidity, that's exactly how I felt all day. In fact, halfway through the day when I had already snapped at my husband seven times, two of which resulted in good sized arguments, he suddenly remembered and looked at me in panic, "Oh my god. You're mean when it's hot! I almost forgot!"
We got our dog Harper, in late January, so this is the first time she's experienced the heat and I have to say, I do somewhat enjoy the effect on her. She was lethargic to the point of almost pitiful, and it was nice change from the unruly spoiled brat we've raised her to be. We didn't have the air on today, and in an act of poor judgment early this morning, I let Harper drink the little bit of milk left over from my Coco Krispies. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not sure if chocolate WILL kill a dog, but I can now say from experience that it will give them gas so constant and god-awful you'll wish you were dead. So all day today, our home smelled and felt like a huge dog turd cake baking in the oven. It literally made me sick.
I just considered trying to end this all light and funny and bring it all together with a lesson, but I'm hot and sticky and the air here smells like shit and frankly, I just don't feel like it.
The end.

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