Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Blue Veins and Lingerie

Lingerie. There was a young girl, who, because she didn’t yet understand what sexy was and maybe never would, decided to make her boyfriend a pin-up calendar featuring herself in all different kinds of sexy lingerie. This was when Kinko’s first started doing the calendars from pictures, and even though it’s become the least creative of things Kinko’s can do with a photo, at the time it was quite novel, and I imagine many other girls had exactly the same idea. This particular young girl couldn’t quite afford to buy 12 different types of lingerie, being that she was rather young and coming from a rough childhood (her mother was an overweight alcoholic). She wouldn’t have had much chance to wear it again if she did have the money, making twelve sets of lingerie a rather frivolous purchase anyway, but the young girl, not being particularly bright, didn’t even consider this. While not being particular bright, her rough childhood had taught her a thing or two about cheating the system, so what she did was go to an expensive lingerie boutique with another young girlfriend and a camera. This was the kind of boutique that let you try on the lingerie in their rooms made to look posh and sophisticated, and because they weren’t exactly accustomed to a clientele that was unsanitary, or that would try it on without buying it, no salesperson followed you in or hovered outside. The young girl tried on all twelve pieces of their best lingerie and struck what her young self thought to be sexy poses, although in reality, they were really only sexy to those young enough to not quite understand sexy which in a way made them sad poses. She then went and had the pictures developed, (this being before the days of digital cameras) and took the pack of pictures to Kinko’s and handed them over to a perfect stranger so that he could use these images to create a calendar for her boyfriend. This girl, not being particularly bright, did not worry for a moment that the stranger might keep a copy of her photos, and use them whenever he was feeling particularly bored or lonely. In two days, the young girl returned to pick up her calendar, and I imagine feeling quite pleased with her craftiness at only paying $15.99 for such a wonderful gift, took it home, wrapped it, and gave it to her boyfriend. I also imagine this young girl, not being particularly bright, thought she looked quite good in the photos, quite tantalizing, although if you look closely in most of them, you can see the tags still on the lingerie and the bluish veins of her legs through her pale skin.

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